Credentials in order
Iceland is a member of the EEA bilateral agreement between EU and EFTA, which grants access to the EU 'open skies'. All Icelandic citizens are permitted to work in the EU.
Operations certificate
PART 145
Maintenance certificate

Icelandair certification
Icelandair is an EU-OPS operator, operating under Air Operators Certificate (AOC no. IS-001) from the Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration (ICAA).
The company operates passenger and cargo flights on Boeing 757, Boeing 767, and Boeing 737 MAX aircraft and has international experience in scheduled and charter operations.
Icelandair holds the following authorizations and approvals: ADS-B, IATA Operational Safety Audit Programme (IOSA), Dangerous Goods, Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specification (FAA Opspecs), Canadian Foreign Air Operator Certificate (FAOC), Low Visibility Operations CAT IIIA, RVSM, RNAV, B-RNAV, P-RNAV, RNP-5, ETOPS 180 minutes, MNPS and all ICAO areas of operations including Antarctica.